The Here and Now

Most of us exist in a fast paced world, and if you think you don’t, I hope you’re right. The rat race tends to get the best of us even on our good days. We hardly ever take the chance to sit on our porch and breathe in the day, because we spend so much time preparing for tomorrow. This life has taught us that if you’re not working or moving, you’re not living…you’re not taking the right advantage of the time.

I came across a quote this week that explained this need humans have to always be looking toward the future, and worrying about the next step they need to take in building their lives…

“Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now.” – Eckhart Tolle

In a world where the next thing is the best thing, and enough is never enough, can we find peace?


It takes a while to understand that you only completely exist at one point in time, right now. Yesterday you were your past self, tomorrow you are your future self, but today you’re you.

If we accept that we fully exist in this moment, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, we can actually experience life in real-time rather than experience it in a serious of past memories and future dreams.

Laugh about it now…and later….but definitely now.

Today you can be everything you weren’t yesterday and everything you want to be tomorrow. All it takes is a change in perspective. There are so many past moments that we get hung up on, and so many future moments that we anticipate. Yesterday you were excited for today, so enjoy it…you don’t always have to be thinking about tomorrow.

0d8ddc8a6f642aaf84ffcc4551e485ffWe are so busy  filling our calendars that we forget to enjoy where we are. Sometimes it’s nice to just relax and watch the wind blow by. Be sure to stop and smell the sunflowers, wake up one day without a “to do” list. Go with the flow once in a while.

Obviously, you’ll never move forward if you never think ahead but, think about now too. Enjoy the goals you’ve accomplished, and the pursuit of new ones. Take in every moment of your life while you’re living it. Life is so beautiful it’s worth looking back on and remembering but, be sure to live in those moments while you’re in them.

Try not to tarnish what will soon be the past with the plans of the future. Don’t mix up time and life, you’ve got a whole lot of life… just not a whole lot of time. You won’t be able to remember it all, and you certainly won’t be able to prepare for it all…the only thing you can do is live it all. Make sure you embrace and enjoy right now, because it will join the memories of yesterday all too soon.

Never forget to cherish the journey, it’s just as important as the destination.
